COPI Westcoast

A Divi-based website redesign with countdown timer to view live stream of Wednesday and Sunday services


Adobe Photoshop | Countdown Timer | Custom CSS | Divi Theme | The Events Calendar by StellarWP


The COPI Westcoast website is a site improvement project back in September 2022 with the goal of making a design with a similar look and feel as and have a way to show/hide livestream feed based on the organization’s two weekly schedules. This is a project assigned to me as part of my commitment and as a member of the development team working under Pro Membership Sites

The following things were done in order to accomplish the project requirements:

  • A child theme was added in order to import the custom font (Boldstrom) via CSS.
  • A third-party timer plugin compatible with Divi is installed to sort out the conditions for when the countdown should take effect
  • Divi’s Condition settings for Image, Code and a Timer module were configured in order to show or hide an announcement image, a countdown timer and the livestream video


  • A professional and slick layout designed usingĀ  Divi Theme
  • A Child Theme is used to make use of a custom font via CSS
  • Automated switch between livestream and countdown timer with announcement image using a third-party timer plugin
  • Usage of Divi’s Condition settings as additional configuration for showing/hiding contents on the Live Stream page
  • Use of Adobe Photoshop to create image contents and modify existing images (resampling and compression)